Jorge González

Jorge González is a Puerto Rican artist who received his BFA from the Puerto Rico School of Visual Arts in 2006. He has participated in various residencies and exhibitions internationally, including at the Instituto de Cultura Puertorriqueña, Die Ecke in Chile, Kunsthalle Osnabruek in Germany, and SITELines. González has also participated in a pedagogical program for documenta 14, Kassel, Germany, organized by ifa (Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen). In 2018, González was included in Pacha, Llacta, Wasichay, Building the Indigenous Present at The Whitney Museum of American Art in New York. His work often addresses social and political issues, with a focus on decolonization and the experiences of marginalized communities in Puerto Rico and beyond.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1981

  • Country:

    Puerto Rico, San Juan

  • Gallery:
