John Currin

John Currin's paintings uniquely blend old masters' techniques with 20th-century kitsch, resulting in figurative compositions. Currin's technical skill and distinctive style have earned him comparisons to artists like Breugel and Rockwell, making him widely regarded as one of the most remarkable painters of the contemporary age.

Biography of John Currin

John Currin was born in Boulder, Colorado, in 1962 and spent his childhood in Connecticut.

Early in his life, Currin would spend his days studying painting and different techniques with the traditionally trained artist Lev Meshberg, a renowned painter from Odesa, Ukraine. He later pursued a BFA at Carnegie Mellon University in 1984 and earned an MFA from Yale University in 1986.

In 1989, Currin exhibited portraits based on young girls' photographs from a high school yearbook at White Columns in New York City, showcasing his intent to emancipate his art from clichéd subjects while maintaining classical visuals. Despite the prevalent political-themed art of the early 1990s, Currin chose bold depictions of busty young women, mustachioed men, and asexual divorcés, deviating from the mainstream. His decision to diverge from the popular trends underscored his impressive technical talent. The artist revealed that his distorted subjects often reflected his own inner life rather than real people.

By the late 1990s, Currin's adeptness at painting kitschy subjects with remarkable technical skill garnered both critical acclaim and substantial financial success. In 1994, he met fellow artist Rachel Feinstein. They became engaged shortly thereafter at Currin's show in Paris and married three years later on Valentine's Day. 

Since 2003, Currin paintings have frequently commanded high six-figure prices, reflecting his growing popularity and the increasing interest in his work. The artist has participated in numerous solo and group exhibitions, with his pieces included in permanent collections at institutions such as the Hirshhorn Museum and the Tate Gallery. Retrospective exhibitions of his career have been held at prestigious venues like the Whitney Museum of American Art and the Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago.

 The artist lives and works in New York, United States.

John Currin's Art Style

John Currin's work draws inspiration from a wide array of classical influences, spanning the Renaissance, Post-Impressionism, and Pop art. He incorporates a kitsch aesthetic from popular culture magazines and the contemporary fashion scene, particularly from publications like Cosmopolitan and older issues of Playboy.

In his recent work, Currin has embarked on a new series featuring figure paintings with unabashedly pornographic themes. Despite the provocative nature of these projects, Currin maintains a similar creative goal as in his past work, seeking to transform debased and unbeautiful subjects into something beautiful within the realm of painting.

The unique blend of elements in Currin's art is among the most fascinating amalgamations in modern history — melding the technical prowess of old masters with late 20th-century culture ensures that Currin's final pieces are unmatched on multiple fronts.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1962

  • Country:

    United States of America, Boulder