About the Artwork 0b712358 F1c0 4999 95a4 F53ed383d320.korty Headshot

David Korty

David Korty, an American contemporary artist born in 1971, is renowned for his vivid and radiant mixed-media paintings of Los Angeles, the city he calls home and holds dear to his heart. He believes that the city is an enigma that can never be fully comprehended even after residing there for 50 years. With the wanderlust of a 21st-century flâneur, Korty navigates through the metropolis's highways and byways, immersing himself in its urban landscape, capturing fleeting moments of everyday life, and the city's architecture, streets, and pavements through his camera lens. Korty then translates these photographs into expressionistic, semi-abstract paintings that draw inspiration from various art movements such as Post-Impressionism, Pop, Cubism, and Constructivism. David Hockney, a fellow Californian artist, is an enduring influence on Korty's artwork. In his recent series, "Film Strip" (2013), Korty arranges his recollections and impressions of L.A. into a montage of images reminiscent of film strips, paying homage to the film industry that defines his city.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1971

  • Country:

    United States of America, Los Angeles, California