About the Artwork Gabriel Kuri
© Photo by Andrea Rossetti

Gabriel Kuri

Gabriel Kuri is a Mexican artist known for his sculptures, installations, and mixed-media works that explore themes of consumerism, globalization, and the intersection of art and everyday life. Born in Mexico City in 1970, Kuri studied at the National School of Plastic Arts in Mexico City before moving to Europe to receive an MFA at Goldsmiths’ College University of London.

Kuri's work often incorporates found objects and materials, such as discarded receipts and packaging, and he uses these materials to comment on the global circulation of goods and ideas. He also uses recycled materials, such as paper and plastic, to highlight the excess and waste produced by consumer culture, while also exploring the aesthetic possibilities of everyday materials.

Kuri’s solo exhibitions include Saint-Martin Bookshop, Brussels (2021); The Douglas Hyde Gallery, Dublin (2020); WIELS – Contemporary Art Centre, Brussels (2019–20); Oakville Galleries, Oakville (2018–19); Alte Fabrik, Rapperswil (2016); Aspen Art Museum, Aspen (2014); The Common Guild, Glasgow (2014) and Parc Saint Léger – Centre d’art contemporain, Pougues-les-Eaux (2013), among others.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1964

  • Country:

    Mexico, Mexico City