About the Artwork Gasteli Jellel Ns.jpg

Jellel Gasteli

Jellel Gasteli's photography bears the imprint of his multicultural heritage, rooted in his Franco-Tunisian background. He is renowned for his "La serie Blanche," - minimalist, large-format silver prints that explore the interplay of light and geometric shadows cast upon the traditional whitewashed architecture of Djerba, Tunisia. By stripping the buildings down to their surfaces, textures, and lines, Gasteli abstracts the landscape, capturing the profound essence of places intertwined with his childhood memories.

Biography of Jellel Gasteli 

Jellel Gasteli was born in 1958 in Tunis, Tunisia. His artistic journey began with a formal education at the Ecole Nationale de la Photographie in Paris, France, where he graduated in 1985.

His limited edition large-format prints have garnered international acclaim, gracing the walls of prestigious institutions and private collections around the world. From the Fonds National d’Art Contemporain in France to the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in New York, Gasteli's work resonates with audiences far and wide, offering glimpses into the timeless beauty of Tunisia's architectural heritage.

Jellel Gasteli's solo exhibitions include "Photographies" at Selma Feriani Gallery (2019), "Carnets" at Le Salon H in Paris (2018), "Barkhanes" at 32bis in Tunis (2018), "Les Carnets de Tanger et Marrakech" at the Institut Français de Tunisie in Tunis (2017), and many more. He has also participated in group exhibitions, including Art Basel Hong Kong (2019), "The Straight Six: Afrique Capitales" at Gare Saint Sauveur in Lille (2017), Biennale des photographes du monde arabe contemporain at the  Institut du Monde Arabe in Paris (2017), among others. 

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  • Years:

    Born in 1958

  • Country:

    Tunisia, Tunis