Judith Walkabout

Biography of Judith Walkabout

In the vast canvas of the Australian Outback, where the ochre tones of the earth meet the azure sky, emerges Judith Walkabout—an artist whose vibrant brushstrokes echo the journey from Alice Springs to the heart of artistic expression at Iwantja Arts. Born on the 27th of September in 1982 in the Alice Springs Hospital, Judith's story weaves through the cultural landscapes of Yankunytjatjara heritage.

Judith Walkabout's roots are deeply intertwined with the land. Her mother, Betty King, originally from Port Augusta, spent significant time growing up in Amata. Judith's father, Arthur Walkabout, hailed from Docker River NT.

Following her schooling, Judith Walkabout embarked on a period of employment as an AEW (Anangu Education Worker) at the Indulkana School. Subsequently, she relocated to Areyonga NT, her husband's place of origin.

Now settled full-time in Indulkana, she stands as a dedicated painter at Iwantja Arts. In the creative space, she collaborates with family members, including senior artists like Maisie King and Kunmanara (Peter) Mungkuri.

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