About the Artwork

Janis Kirstein Rigor

Janis Kirstein Rigor: Acclaimed Visual Artist, Educator, and Writer

Janis Kirstein Rigor is a visual artist working primarily in mixed-media collage. Her visual art encompasses painting, photography, drawing, digital art, and other media.

She has exhibited her work around the globe and was included in the first International Nano Art Exhibit in Finland. This exhibit featured artists working with electron microscope images as a basis for creative exploration and was reviewed in the New York Times.

Janis Kirstein Rigor has also exhibited her work in Japan, South Korea, Italy, Switzerland, Spain, Peru, and Austria, as well as in numerous locations throughout the United States.

She has taught visual art at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Indiana University, the University of Louisville, and Kentucky State University. Currently, she teaches Visual Art at Western Hills High School in Frankfort, Kentucky.

Janis is also a writer. She started her professional writing career in 1979 when she served as the Art Critic for the Courier-Journal newspaper in Louisville, Kentucky.

Accolades and Exhibitions: Celebrating the Artistry of Jan Kirstein Rigor

Jan Kirstein Rigor has earned numerous awards and honors for her exceptional work in the field of art, including the 2023 Prague International Competition Biennial and the Bold Abstracts 2023 Finalist Award. She has also showcased her works in various venues, including Cipriate Venezia Gallery, Venice (exhibition: "Allegro"); Casa Del Arte, Palma, Spain (exhibition: "Got It Going On"); ARTEXPO BASEL Mulhouse-Freiburg, Switzerland (exhibition: "Taking My Power Back"); Thomson Gallery, Zug, Switzerland (exhibition: "Allegro"); and Nicoleta Gallery, Berlin, Germany (exhibition: "Taking My Power Back"). 

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