About the Artwork

Martin Lytke

Martin Lytke, a German artist, distinguishes himself through a distinctive approach to his craft.

Martin Lytke: Redefining Artistic Vision with a Unique Approach

Eschewing collage or digital manipulation, Lytke creates his paintings by directly working with a brush and acrylic on sheets inspired by photos or prints. His artworks, characterized by sparingly placed traces of color and isolated objective elements, not only exude openness and change but also serve as a subtle commentary on the interplay between image and likeness in contemporary culture, challenging the conventions of media images by infusing them with a more art-historical significance.

Since 1999, Martin Lytke has worked directly with printed materials such as advertisements, magazines, and vintage art books.

His way of painting is more like recognition than painting a present object, somehow the way blind people see the world, to approach to an object.

You can follow me on this path simply by looking at the pictures. When I am working on photographic media, very clear image representations, I change the motif with as little intervention as possible. The original photograph is still recognizable, creating an interplay between the former and the new subject inthe beholders mind in that we can easily fall in and out of. Strangely moving between casual and hyperreal.
Martin Lytke
Martin Lytke, Gebt Mir eine Rippe (Give me a rib), 2018

Artistic Ventures and Exhibitions: A Glimpse into Martin Lytke's Diverse Portfolio

From 2011 to 2014, he directed the Pilotenkueche AIR Space, Baumwollspinnerei Leipzig.

In 2012, he founded the project space "the Mvsevm" in Leipzig and curated the shows until 2023, dedicated to young and emerging artists.

Martin Lytke participated in various exhibitions in unique venues, such as the legendary FORGOTTEN BAR PROJECT/Gallery im Regierungsviertel Berlin. He also took part in the group show "Stillstehende Sachen" at the Museum Abtei Liesborn, focusing on Dutch still lifes of the 17th Century in dialogue with contemporary art. Additionally, he participated in the exhibition "MENSCHENBILDER" where contemporary portraits met 17th Century portraits, showcasing works from the Collection S Ø R Rusche.

He also participated in the group show "EROS UND THANATOS" at the Werkschauhalle Spinnerei Leipzig together with artists like David Lynch, Johannes Hüppi, Julius Hofmann, and Samuel van Hoogstraten and "Tools of the Ape" a group show curated by Anne Fellner & Burkhard Beschow.

Martin Lytke was invited to the Art-Book-Section at the Frankfurter Buchmesse for his unique work bridging print and original. He participated in the Luminale Lights Festival Frankfurt in 2014 and co-curated the group shows "BETRIEBSAUSFLUG LEIPZIG / HAMBURG" and "WURZELN WEIT MEHR AUFMERKSAMKEIT WIDMEN" at Familie Montez im Exil. 

My very special work of Art made its way to Collections like Robert Bartlett Haas, the SØR RUSCHE Collection, and even ole blue eyes, Mr. Frank Sinatra.
Martin Lytke
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