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Gary Coles

Gary Coles is a fine artist, promoter, and publisher. He has pulled artists together to build art promotional collectives aimed at helping other artists gain exposure to wider audiences. He also uses the name "ArtbyGaryColes" on his social media profiles.

Biography of Gary Coles

Gary Coles started painting at the age of 16 while still in high school, crafting intricate hard-edge imagery that concealed hidden names within his pencil drawings. During his college years, he had the privilege of working with two art mentors who expanded his techniques and deepened his understanding of the fundamental principles of design, helping him embark on the path to mastering his craft.

Bruno S. one of my art instructors would come to class with assignments: the first for the general class which he would spend 5 minutes, the second assignment was only for me and he would teach me for the rest of the hour. Bruno would discuss techniques & purpose of being a true artist. Which I am grateful for still to this day. I do what I can to instill those values into young artists regardless of age.
Gary Coles

Gary Coles's Art Style

Gary Coles' art style is best classified as Hard-edge Abstraction. In recent years, his work has encompassed a fusion of hard-edge paintings while exploring the spiritual significance of colors. With 35 years of artistic experience, Gary has delved into a wide range of subject matter. In addition to acrylic paintings, he has ventured into digital art and photo manipulation. Moreover, he has created video art and sound pieces to demonstrate his diverse interests in various materials and subjects.

Personal Achievements

Gary Coles has always believed in uniting artists to promote the collective. Here are some of his past projects:

  • An email-based newsletter that showcased three different artists and one writer or poet. This newsletter reached 6,000 recipients. It's worth noting that this was before the advent of online platforms like MailChimp.
  • The second group project involved an abstraction-themed CD sent to galleries, featuring abstract artwork.
  • The largest and most successful project was GOTR, an acronym for Gallery of the Round. It functioned as a multi-media art magazine, often referred to as a "magalog." It incorporated video content along with a catalog for each artist, showcasing their work.

Gary Coles has also undertaken smaller but equally significant projects, including a mobile gallery app. Currently, he is in the process of developing a broker-based platform for artists interested in learning and benefiting from NFT technology and whatever the future holds for artists.

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