About the Artwork

Christopher D. Sacco

Biography of Christopher D. Sacco

Christopher Daniel Sacco was born in Birmingham, AL, on March 12th, 1991. He showed an early interest in fine art, winning a series of state scholastic gold medals of achievement in art from kindergarten through middle school.

He went on to attend the Alabama School of Fine Arts (ASFA) before studying Painting, Film, and New Genres at the San Francisco Art Institute (SFAI).

During the years of 18 to 27, he showcased his work in various galleries and gained recognition from the Mobile Museum of Art in Mobile, Alabama in 2018. C. D. Sacco has received numerous honors, including a grant from the Andy Warhol Foundation. 

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  • Years:

    Born in 1991

  • Country:

    United States of America, Birmingham, AL

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