About the Artwork

Russ R. Robinson (R3)

As a new addition to the visual arts community, San Francisco-based artist "R3" (Russ R. Robinson) is getting noticed and appreciated as a unique and rising talent in fine art and contemporary pointillism

Russ R. Robinson (R3) - Contemporary Fine Artist 

After not lifting a pencil, pen, or brush for 20 years, R3 was able to rekindle his passion (and discover his style) through adult coloring books for mindfulness. He describes his artistic journey in the story titled "How Coloring Books Changed My Life." 

In 2020, R3 launched R3 Colorings, offering his original artworks, prints, apparel, and other colorful products designed to feature his “Colorings." 

R3's style is fluid and focused on perspectives, depth, and playful color activations. His signature collection is called "Rise-or-Set?" which explores abstract horizons and the concept of one's mood or temperament impacting what they see. 

Currently, he is building his "Count-the-Dots" pointillism series, along with "Rise-or-Set?" and the "Rainbow" collection.

Recognition of R3

During his illustrious career, R3 garnered notable recognition, including:

  • R3 has been named to Marquis Who’s Who in America 2023;
  • R3 displayed at Cannes Film Festival in 2022;
  • R3 had a solo show in San Francisco’s Mission District in early 2023 and and is showing in NY’s Times Square in October 2023.
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