About the Artwork Self Portrait, by Jan Albertsz Rotius

Jan Albertsz. Rotius

Jan Albertsz Rotius was a Dutch painter known for his portraits, still lifes of breakfasts, kitchens, and fruits, was active in Hoorn and was the father of the flower painter Jacob Rotius.

He was born in Medemblik, North Holland and was baptized as 'Albert Jansz. Rootgies' in 1624. He later changed his name to Rotius, which was mistakenly recorded as Roodseus. According to local archives, he married Maartje Ambrosiusdr in 1643 and had seven children, three of whom survived to adulthood, including Jacob Rotius. Although there is no evidence that he was a pupil of Pieter Lastman, he became a member of the Alkmaar Guild of St. Luke in 1643. In his will, he left all of his prints and drawings to his son Jacob Rotius or Rootius, and he was buried in the Grote Kerk in Hoorn after his death in 1666 at the age of 42.

Rotius created his schutterstukken in close proximity to the works of Bartholomeus van der Helst and Govert Flink in Amsterdam. Analysis of his paintings suggests that he was influenced by these works and may have been motivated by his patrons to achieve similar effects.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1624

  • Country:

    Netherlands, Medemblik

  • Gallery:
