About the Artwork 2020ffs Profile Ruby Dickson 2200x.jpg

Ruby Dickson

Ruby Dickson is a young, Northern-born artist who graduated from Goldsmiths with degrees in History of Art and Fine Art. She is an established artist who currently works with the Guts gallery. Ruby's primary medium is oil on canvas, and she creates work that is inspired by the ordinary. Her pieces often involve rearranging commodities and incorporating vague criticisms on topics such as belonging, cynicism, and the spirit of the times.

Ruby's work is characterized by her ability to capture the essence of everyday life and elevate it to a new level of artistic expression. She takes mundane objects and transforms them into something beautiful and thought-provoking, challenging the viewer to reconsider their preconceived notions of what is ordinary. Her style is both unique and accessible, drawing in a wide range of audiences.

In an interview, Ruby spoke about her creative process, explaining that she often begins by gathering a collection of objects that she finds interesting. She then arranges them in various ways, experimenting with different compositions until she finds the one that feels right. Once she has settled on a composition, she begins to sketch, often using charcoal or pencil, to create a rough outline of the painting.

Ruby's work is both playful and contemplative, encouraging viewers to engage with the art in a way that is both emotional and intellectual. She has a keen eye for detail and is able to capture the nuances of everyday life in her paintings, bringing a new perspective to the ordinary.

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