About the Artwork 5e5e560eca2405399012d730beb4a895

Shimon Minamikawa

Shimon Minamikawa is a Japanese artist known for his experimental approach to art, which incorporates various mediums and techniques. He was born in Tokyo, Japan, in 1972, and received his formal education in fine arts from Tokyo University of the Arts.

Minamikawa's artwork is characterized by the use of found objects and materials, as well as the incorporation of performance and multimedia elements. He draws inspiration from everyday life and experiences, as well as from traditional Japanese culture and aesthetics.

Minamikawa has exhibited his artwork in several solo and group exhibitions in Japan and abroad, including the United States and Europe. He has won several awards and grants, including the prestigious Pola Art Foundation Grant in 2017.

Today, Minamikawa is recognized as one of Japan's most innovative and exciting young artists, and his work continues to challenge and push the boundaries of contemporary art.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1972

  • Country:

    Japan, Tokyo