About the Artwork Lecture George Baker 03.21.2012

Trevor Shimizu

Trevor Shimizu is an artist known for his paintings and videos that explore themes of self-representation and personal identity. His paintings are characterized by crude, gestural brushwork and sparse compositions that focus on intimate and often humiliating social incidents. Shimizu's video art, on the other hand, highlights his personal and public identities as shaped by home video, television, and media consumerism.

As a former Technical Director of Electronic Arts Intermix, Shimizu collaborated with artists such as Dan Graham, Carolee Schneemann, Shigeko Kubota, and Dara Birnbaum, and was influenced by the droll humor of Michael Smith and the unflinching portrayals of American culture by Mike Kelley. His Lonely Loser Trilogy videos, which depict the artist browsing online and engaging in macho sports, offer poignant insights into Shimizu's adult identity and sense of self.

Born in 1978, Shimizu has exhibited his work internationally, with solo exhibitions at venues such as Galerie Christine Mayer, The Green Gallery, Misako & Rosen, The Vanity East, and 47 Canal. He has also participated in numerous group exhibitions, including the Whitney Biennial in 2014. Shimizu's work can be found in the public collection of the High Museum of Art in Atlanta, GA. He currently lives and works in Long Island City, NY.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1978

  • Country:

    United States of America, New York

  • Social