Pauline Wangin

Pauline Wangin's paintings echo a profound reverence for the landscape and the narratives that have shaped it, showcasing intricate details and winding pathways that mirror the elaborate network of waterways across the country.

Biography of Pauline Wangin

Pauline Wangin was born in Indulkana on the APY Lands in the far northwest of South Australia. She spent her formative years in the neighboring community of Mimili.

From the inception of the art center, Pauline has been an integral part of its workforce. For many years, she dedicated herself to her role as an artworker until more recently, when she shifted her focus entirely to her painting practice.

When not immersed in painting, Pauline Wangin finds joy in singing, playing keyboard, or embarking on bush trips with her family. She frequently ventures out to Victory Well, situated between her birthplace of Indulkana and her residence in Mimili. Pauline delights in passing down the stories inherited from her ancestors, with a special emphasis on the significance of caring for rockholes.

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