About the Artwork Efraim

Efrain Almeida

Efrain Almeida is a Brazilian artist who primarily works with wood and bronze to create realistic sculptures that explore themes of sexuality, religion, nature, humanity, and identity. His artwork often references personal history and childhood memories from northeast Brazil, as well as art historical canons.

Almeida's sculptures, though usually small in scale, have a commanding presence and draw viewers in for closer examination. In addition to his three-dimensional works, he also employs watercolor in a series of works on paper. His art suggests a harmony between the popular and the scholarly, the intuitive and the calculated, and the simple and the sophisticated.

Almeida lives and works in Rio de Janeiro and has exhibited his work at several venues, including Fundação Joaquim Nabuco in Recife, Paço Imperial in Rio de Janeiro, and SESC Santo Amaro in São Paulo. His artwork is also featured in prominent collections such as MoMA in New York, MAM-SP in São Paulo, and the Toyota Municipal Museum of Art in Toyota.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1964

  • Country:

    Brazil, Boa Viagem