About the Artwork 4 Cappella Relais San Maurizio Work in Progress David Tremlett Photo Credits Luisa Porta 18 It 620

David Tremlett

David Tremlett is a British artist known for his wall drawings and site-specific installations. He was born in St. Austell, Cornwall, and studied at the Gloucestershire College of Art and Design and the Royal College of Art in London.

Tremlett's works often feature colorful, geometric shapes and patterns, which he creates using pastel, chalk, or paint directly on walls or other surfaces. His installations are typically site-specific, and he takes inspiration from the architecture and landscape of the surrounding environment.

One of Tremlett's most famous works is his installation at the Dia Art Foundation in New York, which features a series of wall drawings in bright, contrasting colors. He has also created installations and exhibitions at many other institutions throughout the world, including the Tate Gallery in London, the Peggy Guggenheim Collection in Venice, and the Hara Museum of Contemporary Art in Tokyo.

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