Tim Eitel

Tim Eitel demonstrates a profound mastery of color, technique, and form in his figurative paintings, drawing inspiration from both contemporary life and art history.

Biography of Tim Eitel

Tim Eitel was born in 1971 in Leonberg, Germany. His artistic journey began with formal training at the Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst in Leipzig, where he studied from 1997 to 2001. He also was a Meisterschüler under the tutelage of Professor Arno Rink. 

As a co-founder of the collective Galerie LIGA in Berlin, he emerged as a prominent figure in the New Leipzig School before establishing himself as one of the foremost painters of his generation.

Throughout his career, Eitel has received numerous accolades, including the Landesgraduiertenstipendium in Saxonia, Germany, in 2002, and the Marion Ermer Preis in 2003. 

Eitel's paintings have been showcased in over fifty group exhibitions and twenty monographic exhibitions worldwide since 2000, earning him acclaim from critics and collectors alike. His works can be found in prestigious collections around the world, including the Albertina in Vienna, the ARKEN Museum of Modern Art in Ishøj, Denmark, and the Hamburger Bahnhof, Museum für Gegenwart in Berlin, among others.

His solo exhibitions include "Tim Eitel" at Galerie EIGEN + ART in Leipzig (2024), "Tim Eitel: something there somewhere outside" at Pace Gallery in New York (2023), "Tim Eitel: untitled" at Jousee Enterprise Gallery in Paris (2022), "Tim Eitel" at Neue Galerie Gladbeck in Gladbeck (2021), and many more. 

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  • Years:

    Born in 1971

  • Country:

    Germany, Leonberg