A arte Invernizzi

The Invernizzi Gallery opened in Milan, Italy in February 1994 with the exhibition "Dadamaino Morellet Uecker." The gallery has since been known for its focus on abstract and conceptual art and for showcasing both Italian and international artists.

The Invernizzi Gallery's exhibition program aims to create a dialogue between artists of different generations and nationalities. The gallery presents solo and group exhibitions, often alternating between Italian and foreign artists, in order to allow for comparisons and exchanges of ideas.

Some of the notable artists who have exhibited at the Invernizzi Gallery include Agostino Bonalumi, Enrico Castellani, Dadamaino, Niele Toroni, and François Morellet. The gallery continues to be an important player in the contemporary art scene in Milan and internationally.

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  • Location
  • Milano, Via D. Scarlatti 12, 20124