About the Artwork David Maljkovic
© Photo by Hrvoje Franjić

David Maljkovic

David Maljkovic is a Croatian artist who was born in 1973 in Rijeka, Croatia, and is currently based in Zagreb. He is known for his multi-disciplinary approach, which combines sculpture, installation, film, and photography to create complex, layered works that explore the relationship between memory, history, and technology.

Maljkovic's work often involves the use of found images and objects, which he recontextualizes and transforms through his installations. He is interested in how images and objects carry with them the traces of history and memory, and how they can be used to create new narratives and meanings.

Among Maljković’s selected solo exhibitions are: The Renaissance Society, Chicago; Palais de Tokyo, Paris; Kunstmuseum Sankt Gallen; BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art, Gateshead; GAMeC, Bergamo; CAC Vilnius; Sculpture Center, New York; Kunsthalle Basel; Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven; Secession, Vienna; Museo Reina Sofia, Madrid and Whitechapel, London, among others.

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