About the Artwork credit: geoartistsabroad

Tolia Astakhishvili

Tolia Astakhashvili is an artist who works and lives in both Berlin, Germany and Tbilisi, Georgia. She has been teaching at various institutions since 2004, including Akademie für Bildende Künste Mainz, Tbilisi State Academy of Arts, and UDK, where she has taught courses in Mixed Media, Installation Art, and other related subjects. Tolia works under different pseudonyms, both as a solo artist and in collaboration with others, using names such as Tolia Astakhashvili, Khishvi, Astali, and Peirce.

Her work has been exhibited in various galleries and museums around the world, including LC Queisser in Tbilisi, Art Hub Copenhagen in Copenhagen, Räume für Kunst in Kerpen, Bonner Kunstverein in Bonn, Capitain Petzel Galerie in Berlin, Goethe Institute Bulgaria/Earth and Man National Museum in Sofia, Malmö Konsthall in Malmö, and Cabinet in London.

Tolia's work is known for taking over and expanding the gallery space, incorporating it into the artwork itself. Her installations often feature unreasonable architecture that proliferates and frames the visitor, subsuming them as yet another element within the work.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1974

  • Country:

    Georgia, Tbilisi