Desmond Woodforde

Born in Indulkana community in 1974, Desmond Woodforde's life unfolds as a colorful tapestry of knowledge, passion, and a deep connection to Mimili's cultural heartbeat.

Biography of Desmond Woodforde

Desmond Woodforde is a true storyteller at heart, possessing a wealth of knowledge about the far eastern reaches of the APY Lands. Desmond Woodforde often likens his creativity to a vibrant well bubbling within him, finding expression through various mediums. Alongside his talents as a singer and musician, Desmond is renowned as the lead vocalist of the Moon Band, infusing the Mimili community with lively desert reggae melodies on many afternoons.

Beyond his musical endeavors, Desmond Woodforde has also lent his voice to the airwaves as a radio presenter for PY Media. He is deeply passionate about exploring new storytelling formats in his art, constantly seeking innovative ways to convey narratives.

Despite only recently venturing into painting at Mimili Maku Arts, Desmond has quickly emerged as a compelling new voice in the art center, bringing with him a rich tapestry of knowledge and creativity.

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