About the Artwork Unnamed 1 134 Scaled
© Photo by Danielle Kuechler Flores

Basim Magdy

Magdy Basim is an Egyptian artist who was born in 1977 in Assiut, Egypt. He currently lives and works in Basel, Switzerland. Basim’s work includes a wide range of media such as photography, video, installation, and sculpture. He is known for his experimental approach to traditional forms of photography and his use of chemical and physical processes to manipulate images.

Basim’s work explores themes such as identity, memory, and the relationship between past and present. He often combines found materials and images with his own photographs to create multilayered and complex works that challenge the viewer’s perception of reality. His works are characterized by their dreamlike quality and their use of vibrant colors.

Basim has exhibited his work in numerous solo and group exhibitions worldwide, including at the Sharjah Art Foundation in the United Arab Emirates, the Pinchuk Art Centre in Kyiv, Ukraine, and the Museum of Contemporary Photography in Chicago, USA. In 2016, he was awarded the Deutsche Bank Artist of the Year award.

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