Aracha Cholitgul

Biography of Aracha Cholitgul

Aracha Cholitgul, a Thai artist, is recognized for her captivating works. With a BFA in Creative Arts (Ceramics) from Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok (2010), her artistic journey began with a solid foundation in the craft. Inspired by the potential of ceramics as a medium, Cholitgul has embarked on a creative exploration, pushing boundaries and redefining the possibilities of this traditional art form.

Exploring Ceramics and Transcending Boundaries

Cholitgul's artistic practice encompasses various mediums, including drawing, painting, installation, and writing, as she seeks to capture and convey obscurity and uncertainty in visual form. Her personal experience of severe myopia and astigmatism has deeply influenced her work, resulting in the blurring of perception, which is evident throughout her oeuvre. Through distorted landscapes, objects, and characters, reminiscent of Surrealism, Cholitgul explores human emotions through personal stories.

The artist's imagery evokes a dream-like fragmentation and whimsical ambivalence, inviting viewers into realms of the liminal where ambiguity thrives. Cholitgul delves into the intersections of the bodily, mental, and physical, creating composite and eccentric compositions. Her interest in obscurity extends beyond the personal realm as she investigates the broader themes of distance, nostalgia, and escapism, prompting contemplation of how these concepts shape our understanding of the world.

Notable Exhibitions and Impact

Aracha Cholitgul's contributions to the field of ceramics extend beyond her artistic practice. Her creatives have garnered recognition, and her works have been featured in prominent exhibitions and collections, both locally and internationally.

Her artistic endeavors have gained significant recognition, including solo exhibitions at NOVA CONTEMPORARY, such as "The Study of A Long Distance Relationship" (2021) and "Museum of The Swamp of Eels" (2018). Cholitgul's works have also been showcased at various art fairs, including the ART021 Shanghai Contemporary Art Fair in China (2019), Art Jakarta in Indonesia (2019), and Bangkok Art Book Fair at BANGKOK CITYCITY GALLERY in Thailand. Additionally, her art has been featured in group exhibitions at prestigious venues like the UP Vargas Museum in the Philippines and Long March Space in Beijing.

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