Latthapon Korkiatarkul

Latthapon Korkiatarkul, a conceptual artist based in Bangkok, Thailand

Latthapon Korkiatarkul's Biography and Art Style

Latthapon Korkiatarkuluses abstraction as a foundation for fluid subversion and projection. Materials such as graphite and paper, along with supporting elements like walls or pedestals, play a central role in his pieces.

Holding a Bachelor's degree in Fine and Applied Art from Bangkok University, Latthapon Korkiatarkul continues to push the boundaries of traditional notions of artistic practice and objecthood. His works achieve a democratic presentation without compositional hierarchy. Korkiatarkul is known for his open-ended approach and process-based works in various mediums.

"The content in each of my work is created from many components. The components differ every time I work, thus resulting in a series of artworks that has a variety in both content and form. [...]  I start by working with the physicality and meanings of objects. My chosen objects are usually common and ubiquitous, sometimes undesirable objects that were discarded in different locations. I treat these objects by trying to maintain its existing physicality and meanings, without re-appropriating them into something new to signify something else. [...] I am simply a part of the end product or a composition within the process as a whole", - Latthapon Korkiatarkul said in his artistic statement

Exhibitions of Latthapon Korkiatarkul

With an interest in exploring the essence of art and questioning what defines an object as art, Latthapon Korkiatarkul employs ever-changing techniques to alter the appearance of objects. He deconstructs the fine line that separates everyday objects from artworks, pushing the boundaries of perception and value.

His works have been showcased at solo exhibitions in various art spaces and galleries, including Bangkok University Gallery (2019), Bangkok Art Biennale (2018), The Rotuncia, Hong Kong (2016), Center of Academic Resources, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok (2015) and others.

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