About the Artwork 4471
© Photo by Courtesy of the artist.

Nathan Zhou

Nathan Zhou is a Chinese artist born in 1980 in Dongguan, Guangzhou. He currently lives and works in Shanghai, and has been a full-time professional artist since 2014. Zhou is known for his intuitive and vibrant painting language, which combines graffiti and collage techniques to create works that resemble personal diaries.

Zhou's art is characterized by the interweaving of reality and illusion, with his changeful colors and strong contrast giving his work a sense of tension and energy. He draws inspiration from his everyday hobbies, such as music, films, soccer, and arcade games, and often layers these imageries onto his canvases.

Zhou's work is united by his unique language and methodology, which incorporates deciduous topics, image, and chronicle. This creates a fulfilling and inspiring tension, similar to the syncopation found in jazz music. His art reflects his life experiences, and creates a forceful space for the imagination.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1980

  • Country:

    China, Shanghai