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Xiao Hanqiu

Xiao Hanqiu, born in 1986 in Beijing, China, is a painter and poet who excels in both fields. Her paintings often feature pairs of everyday objects, rendered delicately and with an ethereal quality. She earned her BA in Fine Art from Leeds University in 2008 and her MA in Fine Art from Chelsea College of Art and Design in 2011.

Xiao has had numerous solo exhibitions including There May Be No Pearls in This Shell (Leo Gallery, Shanghai, 2020), Sway (Enclave Independent Bookstore, Shenzhen, 2019), Skating Through the Gallery with Tricksy Snakes (Tabula Rasa Gallery, Beijing, 2018), That's Quite Something (Canton Gallery, Guangzhou, 2018), and Self-portrait (Tabula Rasa Gallery, Beijing, 2016). Additionally, she has published several collections of poetry, including A Dream Comes True, the worst idea ever (2019), Three Minutes to Midnight Flower Thief (2018), and Four Hearts (2015).

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  • Years:

    Born in 1986

  • Country:

    China, Beijing