Annabell Häfner

Annabell Häfner is a German artist whose art explores the interplay between memory, emotions, and personal experiences. By relying on her feelings and intuition, Häfner creates visual representations that go beyond a literal representation of the subject matter. Her artwork seeks to evoke a sense of immediacy and convey the fleeting nature of moments that are often difficult to capture through traditional means.

Biography of the Annabell Häfner

Annabell Häfner was born in Bonn, Germany, in 1993. She has been painting for as long as she can remember and always knew she wanted to pursue a creative path. Growing up in a home that dealt intensively with art, surrounded by Monet and Emil Nolde, Häfner was immersed in the world of Impressionism and Expressionism and began painting as a child.

In 2014, she enrolled at the Berlin-Weissensee Academy of Art. In 2020, Annabell Häfner completed her studies, earning a diploma in Liberal Arts with a specialization in Painting. 

Häfner's artistic practice is deeply influenced by her experiences as a model. Working abroad provides her with opportunities to immerse herself in new cultures, places, and people.

Currently, she lives and works in Berlin, Germany.

Annabell Häfner art style

 In her artistic process, Häfner combines painting and drawing to convey emotions through colors and textures and, at the same time, to tell stories through lines, akin to writing. 

Hafner's creative process is deeply intertwined with her past work and personal experiences. Having her previous artwork present in her studio serves as a constant source of inspiration and guidance for her ongoing artistic development. Surrounding herself with her own creations allows her to observe how her art evolves and influences her progression as an artist.

Using acrylic washes and delicate chalk marks, Häfner creates intimate paintings that capture more anonymous and liminal spaces of everyday life: the airport lounge, the corporate waiting room, or the hotel lobby. She invites viewers to contemplate these often-overlooked spaces, showing the duality of these environments, and revealing both their mundane and contemplative qualities. Her work prompts us to reflect on our own experiences within these places.

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