Daniel Knorr

Daniel Knorr is a contemporary artist from Romania recognized for his projects involving materials like cocaine, casts of potholes, and smoke, which provoke discussions on political and theoretical themes.

Biography of Daniel Knorr

Daniel Knorr, born in 1968 in Bucharest, Romania, fled to Germany with his parents at the age of 14. He studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich under Olaf Metzel. Later, he attended Vermont College of Fine Arts in Montpelier. 

The artist relocated to Berlin in the 1990s and later represented Romania at the 2005 Venice Biennale with his artwork "European Influenza." In 2017, his diverse project "Expiration Movement" premiered at documenta 14 in both Kassel and Athens.

Knorr has held numerous solo exhibitions, including "Rinde" at Galerie Schwartzsche Villa in Berlin (2023), "Daniel Knorr" at PAM – Pingshan Art Museum in Shenzhen (2022), and "Canvas Sculptures" at Galerie nächst St. Stephan in Vienna (2021).

He has participated in numerous group shows held at various venues worldwide, such as Museum Frieder Burda in Baden-Baden, Galerie Rüdiger Schöttle in Munich, Wrocław Contemporary Museum in Wroclaw, Galleria Fonti in Naples, Hua International in Berlin, among others.

Knorr's works are part of collections at institutions such as the Migros Museum in Zurich, the Stasi Museum in Leipzig, and the Pinakothek der Moderne in Munich.

Daniel Knorr's Art Style

Daniel Knorr is recognized for his provocative projects using materials like cocaine, casts of potholes, and smoke to spark debates on political and theoretical issues. His work, which includes texts, sculptures, graphic pieces, and performances, largely explores themes of emptiness, representation, and fantasy, addressing these interests in a controversial and thought-provoking manner.

Formally the work can be seen as a materialization of actual bio policy, driven by a contemporary collective consciousness of health care, which was established in the past decades
Daniel Knorr
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