
Ma Ke

Ma Ke is a Chinese painter known for his use of bold colors and depiction of human interactions, events, and landscapes. 

Biography of Ma Ke

Ma Ke, born in 1970 in Zibo, Shandong Province, China. From 1990 to 1994, he pursued his artistic education at the Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts. Later, he continued his studies at the Central Academy of Fine Arts from 2002 to 2005. 

Before his education at the Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts, Ma Ke was trained by his father in traditional Chinese oil painting and Russian social realism. However, his artistic perception underwent a significant transformation during studying at the Art Academy of Tianjin. 

Throughout his academic journey, Ma Ke was exposed to the works of influential Western artists such as Van Gogh, Monet, and Francis Bacon, alongside contemporary European artists. This exposure to diverse artistic influences made him aware of the closed nature of the artistic system in China, prompting him to realize the limitations it imposed on artists. Driven by a desire for artistic freedom, Ma Ke liberated himself from these restrictions and embarked on a quest to find his own artistic expression.

 In 1998 and 1999, he served as a visiting professor of painting in Eritrea.

In 2017, Ma Ke participated in an artist residency with the Laforêt Summer Vacation Project in Italy. 

Ma Ke has showcased his artwork in numerous group and solo exhibitions, both within his homeland of China and internationally. His work has been presented in countries such as the United States, Germany, and Singapore, allowing a wider audience to appreciate his artistic talent and unique style.

Currently, Ma Ke lives and works in Beijing, China.

Ma Ke's art style

 Ma Ke captures a sense of controlled expressiveness, striking a delicate balance between restraint and intensity in his paintings. Drawing from his exposure to Western painting techniques and his grounding in Chinese painting traditions, he skillfully blends both influences.

The juxtaposition of Western and Chinese styles within Ma Ke's work showcases his thoughtful exploration of the possibilities inherent in combining different artistic approaches. Ma Ke creates a visual language that resonates with viewers and invites them to engage with his artistic dialogue.

His artworks feature motifs of individuals placed in seemingly adventurous and challenging environments, often accompanied by elements of danger or precariousness. These compositions evoke the sensation of scenes from a theatrical production, creating a dynamic tension and drawing the viewer into a captivating narrative. 

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