About the Artwork credit: artchart

Sina Ghadaksaz

Sina Ghadaksaz is a multimedia artist hailing from Tabriz, Iran, born in 1992. After studying Multimedia Arts at Tabriz University, he obtained his MFA in Art Studies at the same university in 2018. His artistic practice can be classified into two interlinked segments: Theory and Practice. The former consists of his pursuits and undertakings as an art ethnographer, while the latter, which he believes to be the principal part, encompasses the painting process. Ghadaksaz's paintings are informed by his knowledge of anthropology, and he strives to sustain his theoretical approaches in his artwork, not by means of a conceptual form of art but rather through the act of painting and creating imagery.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1992

  • Country:

    Iran, Tabriz

  • Gallery:
