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Amin Montazeri

Amin Montazeri is an Iranian artist born in Tehran in 1992, who specializes in creating elaborate illustrative paintings and drawings. His works often feature detailed contemporary and universal interpretations of actual and mythological events, with an allegorical approach and a sarcastic tone. Montazeri's themes explore human memory and social consciousness, and his development process involves intricate details that give his works a layer of texturized abstraction.

Montazeri draws inspiration from the Persian miniature painting tradition, and his delicate technique is a hallmark of his style. He combines this tradition with his contemporary interpretation of events, creating works that are both visually stunning and conceptually thought-provoking. His drawings are illustrative in nature, but their intricacies counteract the initial simplicity, adding layers of depth and meaning to the work.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1992

  • Country:

    Iran, Tehran

  • Gallery:
