About the Artwork 14102282 1112284162184054 7565872851981080151 N

Morteza Pourhosseini

Morteza Pourhosseini is a postwar and contemporary artist who was born in Iran in 1985. He received his Bachelor's degree in Painting from the University of Tehran in 2008 and his Master's degree in Painting from the Tehran University of Art in 2011.

Pourhosseini's work is characterized by his use of bright colors and bold, expressive brushstrokes. He often draws inspiration from Iranian cultural and religious motifs, as well as from contemporary political and social issues.

His work has been exhibited in galleries and museums in Iran and internationally, including the Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art and the Saatchi Gallery in London. Pourhosseini currently lives and works in Tehran.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1985

  • Country:

    Iran, Ahvaz