Alicja Kwade

Alicja Kwade is a contemporary German artist known for her sculptures, installations, and conceptual art. She was born in Katowice, Poland in 1979 and grew up in Berlin, Germany.

Kwade studied art at the University of Arts in Berlin, where she earned a degree in sculpture. She began her artistic career in the early 2000s, with a focus on exploring the relationship between time, space, and perception.

Her works often challenge conventional notions of reality and the nature of existence. She has created a variety of large-scale sculptures and installations that incorporate everyday objects, such as clocks, mirrors, and furniture, in order to create a sense of disorientation and disruption.

Kwade's works are characterized by their intricate and precise construction, as well as their ability to provoke contemplation and introspection in the viewer. Her pieces often incorporate scientific concepts and theories, such as physics and astronomy, to explore the boundaries of human understanding and perception.

Throughout her career, Kwade has exhibited her works in galleries and museums around the world, including the Venice Biennale, the New Museum in New York, and the Palais de Tokyo in Paris. 

In addition to her visual art, Kwade has also created sound installations and collaborated with musicians and composers. Her interdisciplinary approach to art reflects her interest in exploring the connections between various fields of knowledge and experience.

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