John Seal

Born in 1971 in Seattle, USA, John Seal is a contemporary artist known for his interdisciplinary approach that combines painting, sculpture, and installation. He currently resides and works in Los Angeles, CA, USA.

Seal earned his Bachelor's degree in Fine Art from Bard College in New York, NY, USA, and later went on to pursue his Master's degree in Fine Art from the University of Southern California Roski School of Fine Art in Los Angeles, CA, USA. He also attended the Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture in Skowhegan, Maine, USA, where he further honed his skills.

Seal's artworks often incorporate objects and experiences to explore their relationships with one another and their surroundings. He has exhibited his works in several international solo and group exhibitions. 

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  • Years:

    Born in 1971

  • Country:

    United States of America, Seattle

  • Gallery: