Matthias Weischer

Matthias Weischer, (born 1973 in Elte, Westfalen, Germany) lives and works in Leipzig, Germany. Weischer studied Painting in Leipzig, Germany in the class of Sighard Gille. In addition to several scholarships, he received the Art Prize of the „Leipziger Volkszeitung“ and the August Macke Price. He is also a recipient of the Rolex Mentor and Masterstudent Initiative with David Hockney.

Weischer's paintings often depict interior spaces such as living rooms, bedrooms, and kitchens, which are populated with furniture, plants, and other objects. However, these spaces are often distorted and surreal, with unexpected angles, unusual perspectives, and impossible geometries. Weischer's work blurs the boundary between the real and the imaginary, creating a dreamlike atmosphere that invites the viewer to explore the painting's hidden meanings and associations.

Weischer's use of color is also noteworthy. He employs a bright, almost psychedelic palette that emphasizes the artificiality of his settings. The colors are often applied in thick, bold strokes, which give the paintings a tactile quality and a sense of physicality.

His works have been shown in many international solo and group exhibitions, amongst others at Grimm Gallery, Amsterdam, Netherlands; at the Drents Museum, Assen, Netherlands; At KÖNIG TOKYO, Tokyo, Japan; at the Museum Kloster Bentlange, Rheine, Germany; at Lehmann Maupin Gallery, Hong Kong, China; at the Acadamy Franz-Hitze-Haus, Münster, Germany; at Museo de Arte de Ponce, Puerto Rico; at Tang Contemporary Art, Beijing, China; at Croatian Association of Fine Artists, Zagreb, Croatia; at the Highpoint Printmaking Center, Minneapolis, USA. 

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  • Years:

    Born in 1973

  • Country:

    Germany, Leipzig

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