About the Artwork Photo1678594531

Jin Zhang

Jin Zhang was born in 1978 in Sichuan Province, China and currently resides in Chengdu. He earned his Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Chemistry from the University of Science and Technology of China in 2004 and his PhD in Chemistry from Polytechnic Institute of New York University in 2007. Jin is a multi-disciplinary artist who works with Photography, installation, and Video. He enjoys experimenting with alternative methods of creating images. For four years, he explored the ancient Silk Road, searching for remaining monuments of civilization and cultural continuity. Using chemical experiment methodology, he delved into experiments on contemporary iconography.

Jin's artwork has been exhibited internationally in various Art Centers and Galleries. His work has been collected by institutions such as White Rabbit Gallery in Australia, A4 Art Museum, and Three Shadows Photography Art Center. In 2012, his piece "Another Season" was selected as the 4th Three Shadows Photography Award.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1978

  • Country:

    China, Sichuan Province