About the Artwork Zhang Meng S

Meng Zhang

Born in 1983 in Tianjin, China, Zhang Meng is an artist who holds a Ph.D. in Fine Arts from the Academy of Art & Design at Tsinghua University, Beijing, an MA in Fine Arts from the Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts, and a BA in English Literature from the Beijing Foreign Studies University. Her work is deeply concerned with cultural identity and hybridity, exploring the meeting points between different cultures and questioning the concept of identity.

Zhang's preferred medium is wax with drawing, which she uses to evoke dream-like qualities, memory, and skin. Her works often explore spiritual themes such as faith, transcendence, and myth. Notable exhibitions of her work include "Hic sunt leones" at Surplusspace in Wuhan, China (2019), "NINININI PENG neewhom" at Gebäude im Passagehof 24 in Karlsruhe (2019), "Regionale 19" at Kunsthalle Palazzo in Switzerland (2018), and "Resonanz - Junge chinesische Künstler in Deutschland" in Bonn, Germany (2018), among others.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1983

  • Country:

    China, Tianjin

  • Personal website