About the Artwork Img 2806 600x800

Verne Dawson

Verne Dawson is an American artist known for his paintings, sculptures, and installations that draw on a range of historical, cultural, and mythological sources. He was born in 1961 in Meridian, Mississippi, and later studied at the University of Georgia and the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Dawson's work is characterized by its eclectic mix of influences, which include ancient Greek and Roman art, Japanese woodblock prints, and American folk traditions. His paintings often feature symbolic imagery, such as birds, snakes, and other animals, and are rendered in a highly detailed, precise style. In addition to his paintings, Dawson has also created a number of sculptures and installations that incorporate found objects and natural materials. His work has been exhibited in galleries and museums around the world, including the Whitney Museum of American Art in New York, the Centre Pompidou in Paris, and the Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1961

  • Country:

    United States of America, Meridianville, AL