About the Artwork 80c5b507 Ef10 4b38 9a5d 7a375fa8c187

John Kørner

John Kørner is a Danish painter known for his colorful, abstracted figurative paintings that often explore themes of identity, politics, and contemporary culture. He was born in 1967 in Aarhus, Denmark, and studied at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts in Copenhagen. Kørner's paintings often feature stylized, cartoonish figures set against vivid, abstracted backgrounds that suggest the chaos and energy of modern life. His work is characterized by its bold use of color, loose brushwork, and playfully subversive approach to traditional genres such as landscape and portraiture. Kørner has exhibited his work in galleries and museums throughout Europe, and is held in the collections of several prominent institutions, including the Museum of Modern Art in New York and the Tate Gallery in London. In addition to his painting practice, Kørner is also a professor at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1967

  • Country:

    Denmark, Aarhus