About the Artwork Valérie Favre

Valérie Favre

Valérie Favre is a Swiss painter known for her teeming and imaginative compositions that move between figuration and abstraction. Favre's paintings are characterized by their narrative power and expressive treatment of paint, with rich colors, drips, impasto, and accidents adding to their aura.

One of Favre's approaches to painting is that she works without preliminary sketches, laying out the setting and then adding individual figures which she constantly corrects. She often paints in series, delving deeper into her subjects and motifs, capturing the process of the temporal, and exploring crucial questions relevant to society.

In 2012 Valérie Favre was shortlisted for the Prix Marcel Duchamp in France. 

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  • Years:

    Born in 1959

  • Country:

    Switzerland, Evilard