Suzan Frecon

Suzan Frecon stands as a luminary in the world of abstract art, renowned for her masterful oil paintings and watercolors that have captivated audiences since the 1970s. 

Suzan Frecon's Art Style

At the core of Frecon's practice lies meticulous attention to the physical qualities of her chosen medium. Each composition is a delicate interplay of color and form, arranged to evoke a sense of harmony and balance. Despite their reductive nature, Frecon's paintings exude a profound expressiveness, inviting viewers to explore the nuances of texture, tone, and hue.

In Frecon's hands, color assumes a tactile quality, almost tangible in its presence. She develops her own color palette, derived from pigments ground in oil, carefully altering the quantities to achieve varying degrees of matte and sheen, surface, and depth. 

Exhibitions of Suzan Frecon's Works

Suzan Frecon's paintings have been featured in numerous showcases. Her notable solo exhibitions have been held at prestigious galleries and venues, such as David Zwirner, Ratio 3, Lawrence Markey, Galerie Greta Meert, Peter Blum, The Drawing Center, Galerie Friedrich, Galerie Philippe Casini, and many more.

Additionally, the artist has participated in group shows, including "SPLIT" at Zürcher Gallery in New York (2017), "Architecture of Life" at Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive, University of California in Berkeley (2016), "Big Art/Small Scale" at Philip Slein Gallery in St. Louis (2016), The Age of Small Things at DODGE gallery in New York (2014), among others. 

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  • Years:

    Born in 1941

  • Country:

    United States of America, Mexico, Pennsylvania