About the Artwork Marc-Antoine Fehr
© Photo by Jean-Francois Marzloff

Marc-Antoine Fehr

Marc-Antoine Fehr is a Swiss artist born in Zurich in 1953. His paintings are known for their unique blend of realism and fantasy, and they often create a haunting and intense atmosphere that can be compared to the works of Samuel Beckett or Franz Kafka. Fehr's work includes landscapes, still-lifes and genre scenes.

Fehr's other paintings often depict desolate and abandoned places with muted and subdued colors, adding to the somber and melancholic atmosphere. The light is often dim and indirect, casting deep shadows and emphasizing the sense of mystery and ambiguity. Overall, Fehr's work creates an intense and uncanny atmosphere that invites viewers to reflect on the complexities of the human condition.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1953

  • Country:

    Switzerland, Zürich