About the Artwork 1893654 C 2203 4 C8 a 9 E C4 Df E211059 B A9

Alex Hubbard

Alex Hubbard, born in 1975 in Toledo, Oregon, is an artist known for his diverse artistic expressions encompassing video art and painting. He explores the boundaries of these mediums through a unique cross-examination, infusing them with fresh and inventive perspectives.

Alex Hubbard's Art Style

In his video art and paintings, Hubbard delves into the realms of composition, mass, color, and depth in ways that challenge conventional expectations. Instead of fixating on a single focal point, he constructs his videos in layers, immersing the audience in vibrant colors, performative actions, and dynamic compositions that defy traditional notions of movement and linear time. These videos, often referred to as 'moving paintings,' capture the processes of creation and destruction, with the artist's hand palpable and occasionally visible within the frame.

In contrast, Alex Hubbard's paintings suggest a mechanized approach to creation. Fields of color in fiberglass and resin are disrupted by richly pooled, dripped, and poured paint. Working with fast-drying materials like epoxy and latex, the artist embraces spontaneity and the independence of his chosen media. These materials and techniques, which reject hierarchy, align with the DIY aesthetic found in his video works. Through this deconstruction, Hubbard dismantles traditional distinctions in the formal language of painting, including those between figure and ground, material versus illusionistic depth, and the horizontal nature of production versus the vertical presentation.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1975

  • Country:

    United States of America, Los Angeles