About the Artwork Hsu 9148 Ross

Tishan Hsu

Tishan Hsu is an artist born in Boston, Massachusetts, who has resided in New York since 1979. He received his B.S.A.D and M.Arch from Massachusetts Institute of Technology and studied film and photography at Harvard University's Carpenter Center while there. Hsu's early years were spent in various locations in the US and Zurich, Switzerland. He had his first one-person show as a teenager in Roanoke, Virginia, where his paintings were exhibited in museums throughout the region.

Hsu's work explores the changing cognitive and physical effects of embodied technology, using various media including drawings, paintings, interactive digital media projections, and sculpture. He has exhibited extensively in the US, Europe, Mexico, and Asia, and his works are held in many public and private collections, including the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Centre Pompidou, and the Whitney Museum of American Art.

Hsu has also served as a member of the board for White Columns and a governor for the Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture, and has taught sculpture at Sarah Lawrence College, as well as being a visiting professor at Pratt Institute and Harvard University.

In 2020-21, Hsu's first survey exhibition, titled Tishan Hsu: Liquid Circuit, covering the period from 1982 to 2002, was held at the SculptureCenter in New York and the Hammer Museum in Los Angeles. He has also participated in various international art exhibitions, including the 58th Carnegie International and the 58th International Art Exhibition, Venice Biennale.

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