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Zoe Barcza

Zoe Barcza is a contemporary Canadian artist known for her large-scale, abstract paintings that explore themes of memory, identity, and representation. She was born in Toronto in 1983 and later received her MFA from the California Institute of the Arts.

Barcza's paintings often incorporate a range of materials and techniques, including oil paint, spray paint, and collage. Her work is characterized by bold, gestural marks and vibrant colors, which create a sense of movement and energy. Many of her paintings feature fragmented or distorted forms, suggesting the fluid and shifting nature of memory and perception.

Barcza's work has been exhibited in galleries and museums around the world, including the Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles, the Moderna Museet in Stockholm, and the Hammer Museum in Los Angeles. She has also been the recipient of numerous grants and awards, including the California Community Foundation Fellowship for Visual Artists in 2015.

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