About the Artwork Is0on9 Lt.jpeg

Lydia Hauge Sølvberg

Lydia Hauge Sølvberg is a Norwegian artist born in 1989. She holds a Bachelor's degree from Bergen Academy of Art and Design and a Master's degree in Fine Arts from the University of Oslo. Sølvberg's art practice is largely based on painting, where she explores the intersection between abstraction and figuration. Her paintings often feature dreamlike landscapes and figures, with a focus on color and texture. Sølvberg has exhibited her work in various solo and group shows in Norway and abroad, including at the Kunstnerforbundet gallery in Oslo and the Kunstmuseum Luzern in Switzerland. Her work has been recognized with several awards and grants, including the BKH Kunstpris and the Ingrid Lindbäck Langaard Foundation grant.

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