Tamina Amadyar

Tamina Amadyar, born in 1989 in Kabul, Afghanistan, currently resides and works in Berlin, Germany. She studied under Tal R at the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf and served as a visiting professor of painting at the Kunstakademie Karlsruhe from 2018 to 2021.

Tamina Amadyar's Art Style

Tamina Amadyar explores memories of places and situations, transforming them into vibrant, minimalist paintings. Her work blends geometric and biomorphic elements, serving as contemporary interpretations of classical modern abstraction.

Recently, Amadyar has expanded her repertoire to include figurative pieces, particularly in the form of watercolors. These new additions draw inspiration from her immediate surroundings, capturing portraits of loved ones, glimpses of interiors and architecture, and even depictions of everyday objects and food. Yet, like her abstract compositions, these figurative works are characterized by the bold use of color and the spontaneous energy of the painting process.

Notable solo exhibitions have also showcased Tamina Amadyar's talent, with galleries like Meyer Riegger and Galerie Guido W. Baudach providing platforms for her captivating works. 

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  • Years:

    Born in 1989

  • Country:

    Afghanistan, Kabul

  • Gallery:

    Meyer Riegger