Jan Zöller

Within the realm of contemporary art, Jan Zöller emerges as a voice that intricately weaves together the experiences and realities of youth. His work serves as a mirror to the romanticized notions and earnest inquiries about the future, visions, and the trajectory of a burgeoning career, all stripped of any trace of irony.

Biography of Jan Zöller

Jan Zöller was born in 1992 in Haslach im Kinzigtal, Germany. In 2016, he completed his studies at the École nationale supérieure des beaux-arts Paris. From 2012 to 2018, the artist studied at the Academy of Fine Arts Karlsruhe under Prof. Leni Hoffmann and Prof. Marijke van Warmerdam.

In 2017, Jan Zöller received Postgraduate award: Academy of Fine Arts Karlsruhe. Later, he obtained 24. Bundespreis für Kunststudierende (2019) and Arbeitsstipendium der Stiftung Kunstfonds (2021). 

His recent solo shows include "Visitors" at Meyer Riegger in Berlin (2022), "Kaputte Fenster" at Kunstverein Heppenheim (2022), "Jan Zöller and the Fire Spirits (Side A)" at Galerie Robert Grunenberg in Berlin (2021), "It's better to experience things, then to talk about them" at Meyer Riegger in Karlsruhe (2020), and many more. 

Currently, the artist lives and works in Karlsruhe, Germany. 

Jan Zöller's Art Style

On Zöller's painted canvases, mundane yet deeply personal moments take center stage. From visits to local pubs and exhibition openings to the simple act of purchasing new shoes, these seemingly trivial occurrences are elevated to the status of motifs, inviting viewers to contemplate their significance in the grand tapestry of life.

Yet, Zöller's artistic repertoire extends beyond the confines of traditional painting. Performance, sculpture, and installation all find a place within his practice.

In his titles, the artist incorporates chosen song lyrics, proverbs, and well-intentioned advice. He subtly alters their wording, infusing them with a tone that is either more serious or humorous, thereby aligning them with his own expressive style.

Reflections on creativity and inspiration, as well as the dichotomy of failure and success in artistic endeavors, consistently feature in the artist's work. As a result, Zöller's practice aligns with the tradition of painting as a deeply subjective medium, while also extending the principle of relationality to other aspects of his artistic expression.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1992

  • Country:

    Germany, Haslach im Kinzigtal

  • Gallery:

    Meyer Riegger